I know this might start war in the comments so please chill people, I don’t want to get 20 reports from this single post.

  • weariedfae@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Istanbul was Constantinople now it’s Istanbul not Constantinople​ been a long time gone, Constantinople and a Turkish delight on a moonlit night. Every gal in Constantinople lives in Istanbul not Constantinople​ so if you have a date in Constantinople she’ll be waiting in Istanbul. Even old New York was once New Amsterdam, why they changed it i can’t say, people just liked it better that way… So take me back to Constantinople no you can’t go back to Constantinople cause it’s Istanbul not Constantinople been a long time gone, Constantinople why did Constantinople get the works? That’s nobody’s business but the Turks… Dodo do do do de do do do do aaaaaaa whaaaaa (I’m just going to stop here)

    Ok it’s from memory don’t sue me if I fucked it up.