Using an alternate icon (yellow).the original icon/app persists. It appears as if there are 2 copies installed.
Known issue?
This is the warning popup when you change your icon. It’s normal to have two icons, just hide the one you don’t want.
I vaguely remember fat fingering that ok button! Ty!
this should be how it works tho, since other apps can do it just fine without the duplication
Also getting this on Galaxy A71 native launcher. Have tried clearing Boost’s cache but no luck.
Go to nova settings, advanced & restart nova launcher, that should sort it out…
I tried that but it didn’t work for me.
It usually does the trick, maybe clear the app cache, & nova app cache, then restart nova, worth a try.
Thanks, I forgot about the cache. I’ll try it
I had the same issue, I just long pressed on the original and selected hide.