You asked for an explanation and got it. The rage-bait is getting to say ‘she took away our guns!’ In a video game. One where guns are optional anyway.
I asked for an explanation and got posturing. I am directly asking you: if that’s not what you meant, what do you mean? Your inability to answer is not somehow my fault. Anyone can tell what this is about. That’s the entire reason you posted it.
That’s a whole lot of words to say “I know you asked how this is ragebait, I just don’t have an answer for you since there’s nothing in this article indicating or encouraging outrage. Sorry!”
Yeah. Trying to rile people up about ‘they’re comin fer yer gurns!’ over a video game with routinely does not feature guns.
What about the article insinuates that people should be riled up over this Fortnite map?
Why else did you post this?
What else does this headline imply?
If what you mean is not what I’m dismissing, what the fuck did you mean instead?
So, again, what about this article insinuates that people should be angry about this Fortnite map?
‘That’s not what I mean.’
Then what do you mean?
‘… no.’
Yeah that’s what I thought lol
You asked for an explanation and got it. The rage-bait is getting to say ‘she took away our guns!’ In a video game. One where guns are optional anyway.
I asked for an explanation and got posturing. I am directly asking you: if that’s not what you meant, what do you mean? Your inability to answer is not somehow my fault. Anyone can tell what this is about. That’s the entire reason you posted it.
That’s a whole lot of words to say “I know you asked how this is ragebait, I just don’t have an answer for you since there’s nothing in this article indicating or encouraging outrage. Sorry!”