Also outs your report publicly, nice !

  • Draconic
    13 days ago

    PTB, publicly outing reports and trying to intimidate them is not cool, if you want to discuss someone’s reports with them, do it in their DMs.

    Also here’s a tip for any admin or mod wishing to discuss the report with someone. Quote the report you’re addressing. I can’t see my own reports, so if an admin or mod wanted to discuss the last reports I made, it’s possible I would have to think really hard to remember what he was talking about, or just flat out not remember. Because I do make a lot of reports, unfortunately, as there is a lot of problematic content and users out there.

    Edit: I did make an issue in the Lemmy GitHub requesting this feature, so if you agree that this could be useful I suggest you go express the desire for such a feature over there. I included being able to edit and delete reports, but if that’s too much at least the ability to read my own reports I’ve sent.

    Example of a DM that a Mod or admin could use to address reports with someone

    Text from report

    (can include multiple reports here with gaps between them as needed)

    [content of their message addressing the report to the user]