Hello, I’m a developer wanting to change from VSCode to Neovim. I’ve been using a Neovim extension for VSCode, so I know how to drive it to some extent.
I work with:
- Rust
- Typescript
- React
I’m happy to use default NVim mostly with:
- ctags
- ins-completion
- netrwtreelisting
I want to keep things really simple and use defaults when reasonable.
I basically just want to know how to set up Rust analyser and (for ts) prettier/eslint.
- Should I use a nvim conf file or lua? I’m happy to learn Lua if it’s recommended.
- If I need packages for the above functionality, which package manager is best (excuse the imprecise terminology)?
- Any additional recommendations?
Thank you.
- Yes, definitely use lua. You don’t need to learn much, you can learn as you go
- I’d recommend lazy.nvim as a plugin manager
In fact, just start with kickstart.nvim. It is a starter config which is well documented and all in one file. It is a great starting point and you can then build from there. I’d recommend learning how to modularize and start moving stuff for separate concerns into separate files.
Thank you, I’ll look into kickstart!
Here’s where I’m at. After a bit of fiddling, I managed to get Rustacean LSP working.
I also used ChatGPT to translate my existing .vim config to lua.
Looking good! You should switch to lazy from packer though. It’s simple:
- You just need to add a lazy.lua file (just copy the one from the “Structured setup” section in lazy installation documentation)
- Then instead of a plugins.lua, you can create a plugins/ directory instead where you can have separate .lua files in it and lazy will automatically detect them.
- Just follow the lazy Plugin Spec documentation and move over your packer plugins to lazy
This video playlist from typecraft helped me a lot to set up a minimal neovim config: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsz00TDipIffreIaUNk64KxTIkQaGguqn
I once in a while, improve, add or remove plugins and settings, whenever I find it necessary.
I use this rust plugin: https://github.com/mrcjkb/rustaceanvim However I haven’t used Rust very much in my neovom set up as of now.
Another good starting point for a neovim config is here: https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim
Have fun.
Cheers, I managed to get Rustacean set up. Will look at those video, thank you
If you like a great, extendable batteries included solution, try out Astronvim.
I found it way easier to get into configuring my setup with a workable config that I could tinker with, rather than learning from scratch.