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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/when-is-enough on 2024-09-19 23:57:01+00:00.

I have ME/CFS and work remote except two conferences a year. My ME/CFS has progressed to where I rarely leave the house, can’t stand or walk much at all, etc. Last time I saw my colleagues in person a year ago I didn’t use a wheelchair cause I thought I would be fine without it (I wasn’t!!). A year later, now I have a power chair and use it exclusively. It was scary to show up and see dozens of people that don’t know I’m sick and just be in a chair now. Everyone was surprised clearly but didn’t ask questions. I feel incredibly horrible after such exertion, but am proud I survived all the crazy looks and questioning glances looking me up and down. I feel like I “came out” as a chair user and got out of the way all the surprise/judgement. I questioning my need for the chair the entire time— clearly I have internalized ableism, feeling like I’m faking it since I “can” walk. It’s harder too when my doctors now still don’t get ME/CFS and think I don’t really need a chair.

Anyway, just wanted to share. Anyone else have the experience of others realizing you use a chair for the first time? How did they react? How did you feel?