I’m new to Crypto-currency system and found Monero only logical way to move forward, if I would want investment I would go to SP500. Seems like for most bitcoiners it’s an investment and not a way to buy-sell, it’s not a currency for them, so what’s point? It becomes ponzi/pyramid scheme that way. Also noticed that Monero is hated in that circles (hello Nostr). What’s your opinion on the matter?

  • @lltnskyc@monero.town
    41 year ago

    Because bitcoin is more of a religion than a cryptocurrency now, and therefore the bitcoin is the only true god crypto, everything else is heresy :)

    • @azalty
      11 year ago

      A lot of people here act the same about Monero though

      • @opt9@feddit.ch
        01 year ago

        But they can back it up with technical proof as to why it is superior. Bitcoiners cannot. They can only divert and dodge the fungibility issue.

        • @azalty
          11 year ago

          Can’t give technical proof of a potential superiority when it all comes down to personal preference and to what you value.

          I can easily say Monero not having a transparency blockchain or option can be problematic for businesses as they can’t enforce anti money laundering laws, and that would be a perfect argument to say Monero can’t be the superior crypto.

          You’re just biased and subjective. Monero is great, but not for everyone and not for every use case. It is not an all-in-one crypto and it is not a perfect crypto.

          • @opt9@feddit.ch
            01 year ago

            It is not personal preference, it is technical reality. The arguments you give are amateurish and show you have very little understanding of the mechanical workings of either Bitcoin or Monero. It is much better for you to relax, listen and ask questions. This is how you will learn. Then in the future, you will be able to contribute in a meaningful way to these types of conversations.

  • @mister_monster@monero.town
    31 year ago

    They’ll tell you that it’s because the supply can’t be audited, protocol upgrades occur on schedule and so the protocol is not decentralized, tail emission means uncapped supply and all this kind of stuff. And those may be points that merit discussion. But the real reason is that it’s the one coin they can’t mention when they say “shitcoin” because people will pick it over Bitcoin.

    You can say whatever you want about altcoins, call them shitcoins. Most are. Say what you want about ethereum and the explosion of “crypto”, a lot of it is warranted. But Bitcoin has entrenched interests that will never allow a protocol upgrade to make it 100% private, and so they know they cannot possibly compete with Monero. A transparent ledger is user hostile. Maybe it’s their bags, maybe it’s their tribe, but for one reason or another the maxis will shut you down when you mention Monero because there’s no reason that stands to scrutiny why Bitcoin is better.

  • obitor_xmr
    11 year ago

    They may hate it but they more hates shitcoins.

    At least monero follows cypherpunk values that’s not common.

  • @azalty
    11 year ago

    A lot of hate might come from the fact that a lot of Monero lovers here are complete assholes about other cryptos as well.

  • @k4r4b3y@karapara.net
    11 year ago

    Bitmaxis know that Monero is a legitimate contender to what btc wishes it would be. Monero is a threat not only to their “bags”, but also to their identities, their convictions, and their emotional investments. That fuels their resentment, and finds outward expression as the smear campaigns and belittlement from them.

    But not to worry; you know how it goes: first they ignore you, then fight you…

  • @comcreator@lemmy.world
    01 year ago

    Because it is not bitcoin. Bitcoin maxies are a cult and many crypto projects have a cult following around them and Monero is no exception.