France’s President Emmanuel Macron on Monday raised the alarm over the “ill wind” of the rise of the far right in European politics, during a state visit to Germany ahead of key EU elections.

  • @BestBouclettes
    511 month ago

    Dude is massively responsible for this, at least in France.

      • @BestBouclettes
        1 month ago

        I genuinely believe that he will go down in history as our Thatcher. He has been in government for roughly 10 years now and everything he did was to destroy the fabric of the French social system.

        A few things he did :

        • He raised the age of retirement, against the advice of many people more knowledgeable than him, and people’s will. Even against what employers unions wanted, that’s to say something.
        • He has reduced the length of unemployment and is planning to reduce it further
        • He gave the rich massive tax cuts
        • He gave big corpos massive subsidies
        • He and his government are often siding with the far right to vote on some issues
        • He is cutting taxes left and right and then is wondering where all the money has gone
        • He massively increased our deficit
        • Repression is on the rise
        • He’s given the legion d’honneur to Total’s CEO and to Bezos
        • His environment policies are pretty much inexistant
        • He is always siding with big corpos and industrial farming on pretty much every issue
        • He and his government are openly supporting Israel
        • He is also often caught saying one thing and doing the opposite (most recent example: trying to fight far right ideas and then his prime minister debates the secretary of RN on a public service channel, a few days away from European elections in which that dude is about to get majority. Like, what the fuck?)

        I could go on and on but you get the gist. People are tired, all the protests are violently repressed, except a few that usually are organised by the far right. People are getting poorer, our school system is crumbling, our healthcare too and the country is visible getting more authoritarian by the day. But we have a few more billionaires and the ones that were already there are richer than ever.

        Edit: fixed a few typos

          51 month ago

          Thank you for the writeup, I don’t really see alot of info on other governments other than damn USA

        • Match!!
          21 month ago

          thank you, i was following the news of french protests and I couldn’t make sense of how macron could still be in power throughout

        201 month ago

        Not from there, but didn’t he shove a ton of austerity down the French people’s throat, like raising the retirement age? There were big protests and stuff

          91 month ago

          Exactly this. He’s a corpocrat, which is a big no-no in the french public eye. Also, he has more of an assimilation instead of integration style in regards to immigration politics, so he’s right leaning as well. Doesn’t help that the left doesn’t have any candidates that anyone can take seriously.

        111 month ago

        On a more general note than the answer you already got, he is extremely authoritarian, absolutely never listen to the people same for his government, refuses to change his mind on anything and isn’t open to discussion on anything. Even with the state of emergency being declared on part of the territory, he didn’t give anything away to make it stop.

        So he destroys the social net, and people’s beliefs in democracy : that’s the two things you have to do to raise far right anywhere.