
    21 month ago

    Ah, yeah it is NV, been a while since I’ve played either.

    Now, ok, yes they do get into SPACE if you do the mission correctly (don’t you basically have to reprogram their entire flight trajectory as they have no clue what theyre doing?)… But…

    … So they are ghouls. They… seem to eat and drink, and they need air.

    I guess they get into space, and best case scenario smash into a nearby planet if they don’t starve or asphyxiate first?

    Basically perfectly fits that New Vegas wacky yet violent and horrible vibe.

    • Queen HawlSera
      21 month ago

      Ghouls do not need air, they can eat and drink, but it’s not required. Radiation however will rejuvenate them, with Glowing Ones basically having “Infinite Power”

      And if memory serves they have the coordinates right, they just need some supplies from you and to help calm down their friend Christopher who has been aiding them under the faulty premise that he’s a ghoul (He isn’t, he’s just a normal guy with low self-esteem and some trauma), but since he’s not a ghoul he can’t come.

      The place they’re going is a highly radioactive moon that they plan on colonizing, it’s real, and that’s actually why they’re not bringing Christopher, as the radiation while nourishing to ghouls, would fry any human.

      You can as a bad Karma option, convince Christopher to sabotage the mission, you can sabotage it yourself, you can make some improvements to their plan that makes it work better (which if you have low intelligence, will just lead to them crashing)

        21 month ago

        Huh. Well, thanks for the refresh!

        My lore knowledge is evidently quite rusty.

        Oh no, I’ll have to play the game again haha!

            • Queen HawlSera
              11 month ago

              It’s a mod that combines Fallout 3 with Fallout New Vegas, giving you all the content of both with various bug fixes, quality of life changes, and restored cut content.