• I could similarly say you should meet with them in person and explain to them directly the error in their ways. Saying there are zero lessons that can be learned from the civil rights movement is also absurd. Obviously it’s different in many ways, but not completely.

    I don’t live anywhere near NYC and was just offering a counterpoint to the unnecessary criticisms of something that hasn’t even happened yet. If that counts as “feeling righteous” to you, that’s your conclusion and not anything to do with me. I’ve dedicated my career and significant time and expsne to this cause that I “supposedly support”, but I do so without shitting on others in the way you’ve chosen to. I wish you success in however you are planning to dedicate your resources to the cause. We’re on the same team friend.

    • @stanleytweedle@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I’ve dedicated my career and significant time and expsne to this cause that I “supposedly support”.

      I never doubt the bona fides of anonymous internet strangers ;) Sorry but when someone has to pull that out to make a point to another anonymous internet stranger it reeks of “need to win” desperation.

      but I do so without shitting on others in the way you’ve chosen to.


      It’s got dumb Charlie Kirk “you criticize society but are a member of society, curious” energy.

      Yeah you’ve got the high ground- lol. I called a hypothetical group ‘shitheads’ and you compare me directly to Charlie Kirk. No irony there.

      But anyway keep up the great work- you’re winning hearts and minds for our ‘team’, friend ;)

      • @andxz@lemmy.world
        61 month ago

        But anyway keep up the great work- you’re winning hearts and minds for our ‘team’, friend ;)

        His attitude is certainly a lot better than yours.

        • @stanleytweedle@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Sounds like you two should hook up ;)

          I wish you success in however you are planning to dedicate your resources to the cause. We’re on the same team friend.

          Also not sure how your keen nose for condescension picked up my scent but missed that. I’m sure it has nothing to do with any general biases against people that say anything negative about abstract ‘protests’ against global issues.

          Seriously though if you want to block the construction\demolition of something your community doesn’t want or stand between a group being oppressed and their oppressors I’ll be genuinely proud of you for it. But these performative, symbolic ‘disruptions’ for global issues are just plain silly.