• @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
    101 month ago

    Sure. But where’s the option of a sedan where I can detach 75% of it when I just need to drive someplace alone? Where’s the electric car with 300 miles range under 30k?

    You can hate on trucks all day long, and I do too because trucks suck, but we’re still stuck with horrible polluting expensive options that were designed with efficiency of cash flow as their primary goal.

    • @blazera@lemmy.world
      101 month ago

      bikes? mopeds, motorcycles? you dont need 300 miles of electric car range. none of this shit is any excuse to buy a big ass SUV

      • @FireRetardant@lemmy.world
        21 month ago

        Most of North America has been built to prioritize the big ass SUV making the alternatives more difficult (farther distances) and often dangerous (bicycles gutters)

          • @FireRetardant@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            Mostly government standards making bigger vehicles easier to pass emissions regulations.

            Also wide lanes and large parking spots.

            • @blazera@lemmy.world
              21 month ago

              Thats not priority, cars dont have a more difficult time driving in wider lanes or parking in bigger spots. None of this is any excuse for your choice to buy a big ass SUV.

              • @FireRetardant@lemmy.world
                11 month ago

                Even if we replaced all the big ass SUVs with cars we would have a lot of the same issues for cyclists, pedestrians and transit.

                The infrastructure has been built to priotize private motor vehicles over active transport or transit, zoning is done assuming everyone owns a motorized vehicle. The market has been influenced by regulations and general attitude to sell bigger SUVs and trucks over sedans.

                • @blazera@lemmy.world
                  11 month ago

                  yes, our infrastructure does prioritize dangerous high speed motor vehicles. Im fully behind any efforts to build less car-centric infrastructure. But right now, that is something out of the average person’s hands, they do need a motor vehicle to function in society today so I cant criticize them for that. But the trend of bigger SUVs and trucks is absolutely in the average person’s hands.

            • @blazera@lemmy.world
              -21 month ago

              I dont have a benefit of the doubt big enough to give to people for driving these big ass SUV’s. they aint aliens living on another planet from the other countries of the world with citizens that do fine without SUV’s, they can manage.

              • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
                11 month ago

                You either lack the creativity to come up with scenarios, or the empathy to understand people have different struggles than you.

                Imagine you’re a mom with five young kids living 20 miles from the nearest store. That’s a real use case in America. How would you handle that without a vehicle that can seat 6 and carry their groceries as well? What’s your answer besides an SUV?

                • @blazera@lemmy.world
                  11 month ago

                  Yeah living in rural mississippi i know folks like that. They dont wanna bring 5 kids to the store, thats a nightmare. Generally a spouse or oldest kid is watching the kids, or youre goin while theyre at school. Going to work is the bigger issue.

                  How about, dont have 5 kids, dont live 20 miles from the nearest store, all of these were also personal choices. How about the large majority of people dont have 5 kids and live 20 miles from a store?

                  • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
                    11 month ago

                    How about, dont have 5 kids, dont live 20 miles from the nearest store

                    Okay, it’s as I thought. Your solution to not needing an SUV is to need a fuckin time machine. That’s not exactly the workable solution for climate change that we’re hoping for.

            • @blazera@lemmy.world
              -11 month ago

              that gross overkill, the tons of steel and dozens of gallons of gasoline you’re spewing co2 to lug around every single day to travel 20 miles is where our emissions come from. Because once every several months you might want to travel somewhere further and you dont want to have to wait around a half hour to charge

                • @blazera@lemmy.world
                  11 month ago

                  Im just not oblivious to whats going on. The US is the second largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions, and with more than double the contribution per capita of the number one spot. Transportation is the highest emitting sector in the US, and personal vehicles make up the largest chunk of those emissions. The US has also had a staggering upward trend of SUV and pickup sales making up the bulk of those emissions.

                  You’ve got a flagrant disregard for the consequences of your horrible choices.

              • @exanime@lemmy.today
                01 month ago

                the tons of steel and dozens of gallons of gasoline you’re spewing co2 to lug around every single day to travel 20 miles is where our emissions come from

                Wrong again… 10 years worth of pollution due to your scenario, doesn’t add up to a single Kardashian short jetting to avoid traffic

                • @blazera@lemmy.world
                  11 month ago

                  And yet personal vehicles make up a much larger portion of the countries emissions than all of aviation.