• @Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works
    42 months ago

    I used to think she was an idiot for that, another user on Lemmy challenged me and I looked into the comment further.

    The protestors she told to go back to China were members of Code Pink.

    Code Pink used to be a legitimate feminist anti-war protest group, but after the co-founder married Neville Roy Singham in 2017, a Maoist who has supported pro-China groups across the world with funding ties to the CCP and now accounts for 25% of the groups funding, the group has suddenly removed all historical complaints against China and stopped saying anything critical of China.

    tl;dr: This group is openly an verifiably funded by China, and repeats Chinese talking points.

    In closing, fuck Nancy Pelosi and her governments support for funding Israel, but she was right on this single issue.

    Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_Pink


        • @EndlessApollo@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Sorry for deleting my comment when you replied, I didn’t like it after I posted it, I prob should’ve just edited but I felt like deleting it and making one I like more

          You really think you’re onto something here aren’t you? You think that Palestinian protestors need to go back to China bc the group that organized this specific protest has a guy that likes China at the top? [redacted bc rude and bad and based on false assumptions]

          Also the protest you linked is a different one to the one being referenced here, maybe try harder before spreading zionist propaganda? (I suppose it could just be one protest that lasted two straight weeks outside her house, I’d like to hear that if true)

          • @Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works
            2 months ago

            No, I think that Code Pink need to fuck off and not pollute a movement.

            Code Pink deny the genocide of the Uyghur, they are scum as bad as an Israeli supporter.

            I’m all for Palestine protestors.

            • @EndlessApollo@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              If that’s the case then fuck Code Pink, but I still don’t see what that has to do with Pelosi telling those protestors to go back to China. That happened on January 30th, over two weeks after the Code Pink protests you’re talking about.

              I might be misinterpreting you and maybe you think not all protestors against Israeli apartheid are Chinese plants, but if that’s the case why act like one wild accusation by a boomer neolib is actually totally right? Maybe there was a 3rd Code Pink rally at her place, but I didn’t get that from the sources I saw, just that the one where she says “go back to China” was also at her house. There’s no connection between her accusation and the Code Pink protests, let alone any other protest. She’s just an AIPAC mouthpiece saying what her donors and constituents want to hear, which is that protesting Israel is invalid and actually Chinese and Russian propaganda

              • @Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works
                2 months ago

                It was Code Pink doing that protest at Pelosi’s house not random protestors.


                This video is from Code Pinks official YT if you want direct proof from them themselves that is is them, and you can see them in pink holding up pink signs in the fuller clip they posted.

                tl;dr: Direct connection between her accusation and the Code Pink protests, from Code Pink themselves.

                • @EndlessApollo@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  Alright, I have no idea why that clip took so long to circulate but yea you’re right. Most news stories I saw on it didn’t have that context which is kinda misleading, knowing who Code Pink is gives that some new meaning. She’s stated similar stuff about all the protests tho, calling for investigations into Russian involvement in antizionist rallies to delegitimize the whole movement. So in the end Idk if the context even means that much since she’d be saying something similar no matter who was at her house cx thank you for letting me know that, I always thought that was just her being a zionist shill and doing the classic “blame China” strategy

                  Also sorry for saying you’re disgusting earlier, I wrongfully assumed you were one of those weird warmongering liberals on here who thinks anyone pro palestinian or remotely critical of biden is a tankie or russian plant or trump supporter

    • @wildbus8979@sh.itjust.works
      -42 months ago

      Booohooo some rich person turns out not be aligned with western hegemony. Also the group isn’t funded by China isn’t funded by Roy Singham, who happens to align himself with Chinese interests. I bet you had no issues with Soros and the NED funding protests in Hong Kong though, that’s totally cool and based right?

      • @Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works
        2 months ago

        I said that.

        Roy Singham is funded by China, and he uses that funding to fund pro-China propaganda groups across the world.

        The rules of this community prevent me from saying what else I want to say about tankies, so I’ll leave this conversation here as I’ve been deleted too many times before.

        • @wildbus8979@sh.itjust.works
          2 months ago

          I don’t think Singham, who made nearly a billion dollars selling his company, needs any money from China.

          The guy is pretty based though, thanks for proving that point.

            • @wildbus8979@sh.itjust.works
              -12 months ago

              I think a nearly billionaire who stopped making money and is now blowing all of his money financing incredibly based people, is in fact about as based as a near billionaire can be. Cause one day, and at this rate probably not that long into the future, he will not be any anymore.

    • @EndlessApollo@lemmy.world
      -52 months ago

      Code pink existing doesn’t make her any less stupid and heartless for saying that. One group existing that matches her accusations means she’s right about them all? You say fuck Nancy Pelosi, yet you write paragraphs defending her take that pro-palestinian protestors are Chinese plants. How about you stop pushing blatant zionist propaganda?