• @TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I know this is the Onion but the left is inherently anti-authoritarian and advocate of horizontal structure of society with no top-down leadership. Of course we’d be disorganised 😂 Case in point, this and the hodge podge of left wingers in the Spanish Civil War ranging from communist, social democrats, democratic socialists to anarcho-syndicalists. Spanish leftists even attacked each other. The Democrats also don’t even get along and this is why Republicans under Trump is gaining more headway.

    I’m proud that we’re maverick, but this also leads to our characteristic factionalism and thus easier to be disrupted and destroy.

    • @John_McMurray@lemmy.world
      14 months ago

      No, it isn’t, You’re describing some forms of social libertarianism or rational anarchism, and calling them left. The philosophy i hear out of left identifying people these days is people desperate for lack of responsibility and wanting to be controlled by some parental government takes care of everything.

        • @John_McMurray@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          I quit respecting people who’s whole idea of political intellectualism iswhatever makes them feel good (usually couched in fancy talk and circular logic, with a side of disguising selfishness in false altruism) regardless of anything else, when i started to see the consequences of that philosophy. Anyways, for some reason he wanted to pretend things that fall right are left for some reason.

          • @KeenFlame@feddit.nu
            14 months ago

            If you ever, ever want to have any rational discussions you have to understand the opposition. You can’t just base the opposite view in childish one sided ass demonisations

      • @TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        For American sensibilities born from classical liberal values, you’re correct.

        The political “left” is a big umbrella term, like the “right” is. Generally speaking, the left broadly wants distribution of resources and management to be more horizontal. The debate is how to achieve that. Some want total worker control, others believe a democratically elected government should be empowered to distribute wealth equitably. The most extreme and dystopian form is a parental centralised authority enforcing equality should do it, as you mentioned.

        On the right, they may believe in personal freedom but still uphold that human society still thrives in hierarchy. “You’re homeless? It is your fault and not my problem.” Many on the right believe you have to work hard to achieve your goals but through your own blood, sweat and tears. You have to keep up or you will be out competed. Some on the right still believe that government still has some role to help others, while some disagree. The most extreme form on the right is fascism, which advocates for total control of everything and order and hierarchy are utmost importance.