Hey guysss. Trying to find a job. But dont know where to start. What websites to use? Etc. I know rust lang and its more about finding job and not about my knowledge. Searching remotely job, half time, cuz im a student now. Thank you!

  • im sorry i broke the code
    36 months ago

    Since 2019? Something must be wrong with your cv if you are getting no calls lol

    The market in that period and 2021/2022 was throughly very good. Right now it is the shit

    • velox_vulnus
      6 months ago

      The market is never good in India, when you have a million CS grads trying to compete for a few thousand open positions. And it just went downhill after 2021/2022. And yes, I am very picky about not going the service-based route, but that’s because I’d rather be a hippie wagie than a IT sweatshop wagie.

      I have also optimized my CV for ATS. I’ve custom-made my own template, which is very similar to Jake’s resume.