Texas was found to be the state with the fewest personal freedoms, according to the Cato Institute’s new Freedom Index.

  • @kungen@feddit.nu
    -277 months ago

    Except when there was corona hysteria, anyways. Even at the peak, I saw only a handful of people wearing masks.

      • @kungen@feddit.nu
        7 months ago

        And, yes, Scandinavians wore masks a lot.

        Where did you get that from? We definitely didn’t, it was quite uncommon to see people with masks, the majority didn’t use them ever. Why are you, an American, gaslighting me how it happened in my own country?

          • @kungen@feddit.nu
            -117 months ago

            Du verkar vara helt besatta av politik från där borta, men okej, visst. Kanske danskar gick överstyr med munkorgen, men det gjorde inte vi svenskar.

            • @ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world
              107 months ago

              Google says this one says:

              You seem to be totally obsessed with politics from over there, but okay, sure. Maybe the Danes went overboard with the muzzle, but we Swedes didn’t.

                • @kungen@feddit.nu
                  -27 months ago

                  det gik jo også bare fantastisk i Sverige under corona…

                  Ja, det gjorde det ju? Sveriges överdödlighet var ungefär samma som Danmarks, samt att vi fick inte lika hårda ekonomiska konsekvenser eller inskränkning i våra personliga friheter. Eller vad syftar du på?

                  • @ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world
                    67 months ago

                    Google says this one says:

                    No realli! She was Karving her initials øn the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law -an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: “The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink”…