Really been enjoying season 1 but got to this episode and was floored. Beautiful standalone story which shows how publishers will meddle into studio affairs and explores the debate of creativity and success. Jake Johnson and Cristin Milioti were amazing in it as well. Even if you don’t want to watch the whole show, you should give this episode a chance as it’s very loosely related to the rest of the series.

  • @Valar_Morghulis
    41 year ago

    I agree this episode was really nice. All the flashback episodes I saw were nice (didn’t watched the last season beyond the first episode)

      211 months ago

      Series 3 has a good one that compares Ian and Poppy’s childhoods leading to their meeting.

        111 months ago

        I really loved that one too!

        The Season 2 C.W. Longbottom backstory episode followed by the closure for it later in the present was also fantastic. It’s a shame F. Murray Abraham was making people uncomfortable on set after multiple warnings and restrictions from interacting with certain cast members because those episodes made C.W. one of the most interesting characters in the show. I thought they tied things up extremely well though and am glad the rest of the staff can be more comfortable on set now.

          111 months ago

          I didn’t watch the show until recently but even seeing it much later I agree that it hit all the right notes. Just the right blend of comedy, emotional insight, and zoom shenanigans without overdoing or downplaying any aspect of it. It’s crazy how I consider Craig Mazin’s role in it as one of his finest moments just behind showrunning the powerhouses Chernobyl and The Last of Us on HBO.