• R0cket_M00se
    48 months ago

    I miss being able to just swap to my Vulture and go hunt some people down in a CZ, now you gotta have a ship fully engineered or an Eagle will kick your ass.

    No thanks, I don’t have the time for making this a part time job.

    • @PeterPoopshit@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Around the time the game first came out you could make all your money just by bounty hunting in a sidewinder. It was great because it was the only actually fun way to progress the game by making money. They quickly nerfed the fuck out of that though and things quickly devolved to the point it takes 200 hours of trading just to afford anything.

      • R0cket_M00se
        38 months ago

        I went off into the black to discover plants and it makes me more money than exploring ever has before.

        My first run I went all the way to the core and then took my time back hitting first disc’ on dozens of neutrons and black holes. Almost a year out, made like 40 mil.

        Scanned plants for a few weeks in tenebrae sector, made 1.5 billion.

        • @PeterPoopshit@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          That void opal exploit was fun while it lasted too. It came up pretty late, maybe 2017 or 2018. They tried to nerf it by making most traders not buy opal and the ones that did would only buy only 1 void opal at a time and for always less than the galactic market. Fortunately, this attempt was bugged and traders would buy an unlimited number, albeit for a reduce price that was still worth it. It took them at least a month to patch it to the point where traders would actually only buy 1 void opal.

          Absolutely fuck frontier for their gameplay balance decisions. I still managed to barely scrape together an Anaconda just because I did drugs back then but still, fuck Frontier. Shame on me for playing that game anyway instead of finding better things to do although I never did any in game purchases.

          • R0cket_M00se
            18 months ago

            I used to crack VO cores in Colonia back then! Fun times, for sure. Especially when the abrasion blasters could spawn more than one if you hit them with perfect timing.