Linux has made significant strides, and in 2023, it’s better than ever. However, there are still individuals perpetuating a delusion: that desktop Linux is as user-friendly and productive as its mainstream counterparts. After a few discussions on Lemmy, I believe it’s important to provide a clear review of where Linux falls short as a daily driver for average users.

EDIT: can I just make it clear I don’t agree with this article one bit and think it’s an unhinged polemic?

      68 months ago

      Factual reasons for this please. Besides the horrible, privacy braking, AI stuff, what can photoshop do that gimp can not?

      • BolexForSoup
        8 months ago

        If you are professional you use what your colleagues are using. You can’t have 8 people in photoshop and 1 person in Gimp. You are not going to get a studio to flip over to gimp if they are a Photoshop house because it will cost a lot of time and money. Especially not larger operations.

        Individual freelancers? Sure. Industry capture? Way more difficult.

          78 months ago

          This is a reason, but it has nothing to do with alternatives. It would still hold true if you have 8 gimp and one photoshop users

            08 months ago

            Wrong: this is the only thing that matters, the rest is wishful thinking and delusions.

              18 months ago

              So, if you are in a company that uses Gimp, and you want to use PS, it is still gimp’s fault that this will not work?

                18 months ago

                I guess it depends on how likely that company interacts with external people who use PS. The problem is that PS is the industry’s standard and if you go against it and things break your fault.

                  18 months ago

                  Windows is an industry standard. And so is office. As long as we treat it as such. If we want things to change we have to go against such standards.

                  The big difference between Office and Photoshop is: Microsoft opened their file format. And has support for open standards.

                  Adobe locked their eco system down to build a monopoly. This is not gimps fault. It is 100% on Adobe.

                  While the outcome is the same, I would love to see a different wording: nothing is an alternative to Photoshop, because Adobe has a monopoly.

                    18 months ago

                    Even with an open format MS Office and LibreOffice and others have compatibility issues. Microsoft keeps certain features kind of exclusive to their solution and then there’s the bigger picture called the Microsoft ecosystem. They are now very focused on that and that’s really hard to beat.

            • Limitless_screaming
              08 months ago

              If you want more people to use your app, then more people have to be using your app. Simple as.

              • BolexForSoup
                8 months ago

                Well yeah, we are talking about what causes adoption. You have to incentivize people. Maybe it’s cost. Maybe it’s feature sets. Maybe it’s being FOSS. The point is people don’t change their professional software lightly. Production houses even less so.

                • Limitless_screaming
                  28 months ago

                  The problem with this is that GIMP doesn’t aim, or have the funding to be more than just a Photoshop clone, so at best it will be as good as PS but for free. That won’t help you convince people already making money from their work using PS, but maybe given enough time and some advertisement people who are new to image manipulation will start learning how to use GIMP instead of Photoshop.

                  • BolexForSoup
                    8 months ago

                    GIMP’s problem - and most FOSS media production tools face this issue - is that it is always years behind Adobe’s offerings. The gap is very wide the moment you go from hobbyist to even part-time professional. Day to day users who just need to cut a video around or touch up a photo are generally going to be happy.

                    Make no mistake, I do not like Adobe as a company. I only use Premiere and Photoshop/Lightroom because my company pays for it. But the fact is Adobe is years ahead. GIMP will never have the AI-integration/automatic tools that Adobe has been building out either. Go use Adobe’s audio enhance tool or auto-transcription and be amazed. Truly. They are remarkable tools I only dreamed of even 5 years ago. Your Hindenburgs and GIMPs of the world are just not going to match that any time soon. These developers do not have that kind of capacity.

        18 months ago

        Collaboration with other Adobe users? Same thing with Office. If one lives in a bubble and doesn’t to collaborate with others then native Linux apps might work and might even deliver a decent workflow. Once you’ve to collaborate with others who use Windows/Mac it’s game over – the “alternatives” aren’t just up to it.

        -108 months ago

        Factual will be relative, and no matter what I say you’ll find a way to turn this into a fight.

        What other apps compete with photoshop besides gimp?

          8 months ago

          You started with “gimp is shit”, so why not provide reasons for it?

          Or is this the apple vs android, coffee vs tea, stick vs automatic kind of subjective argument?

          What other products on windows compete with photoshop in your opinion? I don’t get your reason>!!<

              108 months ago

              Nope. That’s called the burden of proof. You started by saying “gimp is shit”, it’s up to you to prove it, it’s not up to the people responding you to disprove your point of view. What you’re doing right now is called a fallacy and just totally discredit yourself.

                -58 months ago

                No. Im asking for alternatives, and then saying my opinion is that gimp is shit.

                Making excuses for not answering my question is pretty lame. If I answer you, you won’t answer me. You’ll just attack my opinions and leave. No thanks lol

              58 months ago

              The answer is simple, Gimp is the only “full featured” photoshop replacement. And the os doesn’t matter for this. There is no alternative in windows besides gimp. Apples products also fall short.

              And now, why is gimp shit?

                  38 months ago

                  You see, I answered your question. Now, where is the answer you promised? Let me guess, you don’t have any?

                    38 months ago

                    GIMP’s interface can definitely be less intuitive for some users.

                    GIMP does not always seamlessly integrate into professional workflows.

                    Photoshop offers a more extensive set of advanced features and tools, such as advanced text handling, 3D capabilities, etc, which are not as robust in GIMP.

                    GIMP’s CMYK support is not robust at all.

                    GIMP’s non-destructive editing features are poor in comparison to photoshop.

                    GIMP’s native format (XCF) is not as universally compatible as PSD

                    GIMP has significantly fewer learning resources. This is more about the community and less about the software.

                    These are just a few examples.

                  • BolexForSoup
                    8 months ago

                    GIMP is not a replacement for Adobe’s tools. Anyone who says so is not a professional. It is perfectly suitable for hobbyists and somewhat advanced work but it is a decade behind on features that are considered standard now. FCPX is running into this same problem in the NLE world. Until 2018 or so apple could hang but Resolve, Premiere, and Avid are just so far ahead now and innovating while they languish. At the end of the day if you don’t have modern, advanced tools, you have a ceiling to professional market capture. Adobe then trumps gimp on name recognition and usability so they get the casual market too. It’s just not a contest.

    • @Tibert
      28 months ago

      Photoshop online?

        • @Tibert
          18 months ago

          Well there is light room, and the more expensive Photoshop online.

          They now offer an online version of maybe full Photoshop. Tho no idea what is included.