This thread is frustrating. Everyone seems more interested in nitpicking the specifics of what OP is saying and are ignoring that a forum sends you your password (not an automatically generated one) in an email on registration.

  • JackbyDevOP
    19 months ago

    This is slippery slope bullshit and you know it. I’m not saying providers should have to magically prevent anything. I’m only saying they shouldn’t send you your password in an email. Crazy take, I know.

    Also, with regards to it already being fixed or not, when I made this thread I hadn’t seen anything about that in the other thread. I’m more just annoyed that people want to dunk on people with supposed gotchas while acting like sending a password in an email is okay somehow.

      9 months ago

      No it’s not slippery slope in this case, it’s what you’re suggesting and why it’s utter bullshit. But yes of course that’s the obvious defense to take there.

      You’re not only saying that, you said that they need account for everything. Two totally different things. Can’t have X and not have Y.

      Sending a password is okay in quite a few scenarios, you’re talking to broad again her. Also, maybe make sure you know the story before jumping on as well…? You’re making the issues worse not better.