Source olgaf (very NSFW sex/commedy comics)

  • Primarily0617
    110 months ago

    Just so I’m clear, your position is that tax deductions for a behavior don’t incentivize that behavior? Making an entity pay less money to do a thing doesn’t make them more likely to do that thing? That’s your position?

      110 months ago

      Just answer the damn question, what do you want?? And remember this is all in response to my initial sarcastic comment that this cartoon will lead to level headed reasonable discussion about tax.

      The top level comment put it well: this comic is about propaganda not taxes.

      • Primarily0617
        210 months ago

        what do you want??

        Literally even the slightest hint that you’re against lobbying in education that results in corporate propaganda being fed to children.

        Unfortunately, seeing no issue with tax incentives for that exact thing is a mutually exclusive position to hold.