Mint is great but I have to fix my screwups.

My cheap laptop has a 128GB SSD. I have 30GB available .

I installed Mint on Sunday on a 15GB partition then realized I was immediately out of room.

Now I believe I have reformat, repartition to maybe 25GB and reinstall. Any better options?

Also, I could probably reformat the entire laptop if I could only figure out how to replace the Google Drive for sync backup for roughly 15 GB of personal photos and videos.

Technically, I wouldn’t have to do anything as it is already backed up but I guess I’d need a way to copy everything over to a Linux alternative that can be backed up from Mint.


  • Libb
    10 hours ago

    Also, I could probably reformat the entire laptop if I could only figure out how to replace the Google Drive for sync backup for roughly 15 GB of personal photos and videos.

    If by replace you mean find a non-Google alternative that will work fine under Linux (or Windows, Mac iOS/Android), you may want to check Filen (affiliate link this matters to your specific requirements, read further).

    What is Filen? It’s a small German company which offers cloud with end-to-end (zero knowledge) encryption, aka what’s considered best practice security and privacy-wise. They don’t offer as much features as Google or other big cloud providers, it’s a really small company, and their apps are kinda on the rougher edge of things but they work fine. The one real drawback for photos backups on mobile is that it’s not fully automated (one needs to start the app for it to start copying the pictures) but it works fine on Mint (fellow Mint user here) ;)

    By the default, their free plan is 10GB which is not enough for you but if you use my affiliate link, or anyone’s else, you double that free plan to 20GB (it’s a one time extra, you can’t stack them up but it’s really free for you to keep and use). Also, if you ever decide to upgrade to a paid plan, you would keep your free storage as an extra bonus. Finally, once you created an account (a free one is enough), you should be able to share your own affiliate link and that could get you up to max 30GB more free storage, making it a total of 50GB free storage. Disclaimer: I’m a paid user of Filen.

    You may also want to consider which is another encrypted service focusing this time only on photos. It works real well but you only get 5GB free. Since I barely do any photo myself, that was not my priority but had it be, I would have seriously considered using them (and one of their paid plans) ;)


    Like already mentioned if you care about your photos, or any other file, make backups (no need to use that company’s services (even though they work nice) it’s just a fine explanation of what a good backup strategy should be).