• Libb
    3 hours ago

    Exactly like we did, my spouse and I also cook and we love that. Alas, it doesn’t change what’s happening (a boost in shit restaurants that are nothing but pretentious fast-food with a fancy name), it make us (and you) less impacted by it, which is nice ;)

    What’s sad is that it’s happening everywhere. Not just with restaurants, I mean.

    I see the same trend of restaurants becoming fast-foods everywhere. It’s also happening with newspapers or media in general, morphing from news outlets trying to inform people (with a few real turd exceptions) into dedicated and obsessed clickwhores who can’t be bothered to inform and with journalists whose sole worry is to grow their career (with a few real quality exceptions). And it’s also in our education system. And almost everywhere else. More and more, people are settling on crap. They’re ok with eating crap, wearing crap, thinking crap, doing crap, telling crap, and so on. Heck we’re even ok with turning the entire planet into a huge pile of crap. The issue being that crap is bad for health.

    With restaurants, it’s kinda sad but OK it’s also not the end of the world as we can go eat elsewhere or, like you said, we can learn to cook.

    But when considering the media and the education? What can one do? At least here in France, but as far as I can judge it’s the same in the USA, it’s a real tragedy and a systemic failure at teaching kids anything. Even basic reading skills and math. There are still many bright kids, good schools and good teachers, that’s no question. I’m referring to what kids are being taught in schools on average, and how. Which is what should matter in a functional democracy (rich people will always be able to get their kids the best education possible, they have the money for that). As it is right now, public education is nothing but a systemic failure that not many seem to care about, save regarding its cost. Too bad, as in the very short term it’s those kids themselves that will have to pay dear price for their lack of education, by not being qualified and educated enough. On the longer term, it’s the entire society that will pay a very expensive price, most probably too expensive a price, as one don’t build a bright future when one’s kids can barely read.

    Well, that was quite off-topic, I’m sorry for that. It’s just… I worry so much about what I see happening, I worry more about that lack of education than I worry about all the braindead fearmongering talks happening around that orange racist & illiterate clown USA choose to reelect—another sure sign of the catastrophic situation a failed education system can produce: the USA may not realize it yet but as a country and as a super-power they’re broken, deeply. And if they were to fight China tomorrow morning (it should not happen, at least not before they take some time recover from the kick in the nuts they just received from Russia), I would not bet as blindly on them winning like I would have bet on them anytime in the last century or so. I think we’re on a very similar path here in France/EU, a path of extremely extremely proud idiocy and failure, but I want to think we’re not that deep in that shithole yet, that we still could escape such a sad situation. I may be mistaken, somewhere.

    Once again, sorry for the rant. I hope you enjoy cooking your meals as much as we enjoy cooking ours ;)