Hi, I’m 21/male from Germany and to me it seems like people here are constantly negative and complaining compared to people from other/non-Western countries who seem way more chill.
I assume this is probably the worst here in Germany since this is also a stereotype about Germans that they constantly complain about things and in my opinion this is very true from experiencing real life here every day. But I would say I’ve also noticed this from other western countries, maybe not as extreme but for example in America people also seem to be pretty hateful and seem to make a drama out of everything (at least from what I can tell on the internet).
I just wonder why these people unnecessarily spread this negativity because in my opinion here in these western 1st world countries we have so much luxury compared to other places. For example other countries have wars, people live in terror and extreme injustice/corruption, people starve to death, get abused, raped and tortured and need to seek refuge in other countries. But we complain that eggs are too expensive and that we have too many migrants, which goes so far that America is deporting all illegal migrants including those who might’ve fled from the things mentioned earlier such as violence and rape.
Why do people waste all this time with complaining and being negative if they could use this time to be grateful, enjoy life and make the world a better place? To me this seems like people are destroying their own life and make it unnecessarily harder/unhappy with that behavior. I think I’m noticing this particularly in older people including my parents. It almost feels like they’re unable to be positive and only know how to complain.
Depends where you look, imho. (50+ male, from France ;))
I mean, if you mostly read negative topics, well, you will read more negative content. I don’t read those (no politics, no drama, no call to hate, no nothing like that) and I don’t have to read that much negativity.
Let me ask you this: weren’t you just negative by asking that instead of, say, showing us by example how to share/read positive content and… make the world a better place? See, negativity is very easy to fall into ;)
I think you may be noticing wrong but who knows? Once again, I’m well into my 50s and I try to see things in a positive way, no matter what’s going on. I don’t think it’s age (or sex/gender, or politics, or culinary taste)-related. It’s a personal thing.
I probably should’ve specified Germany in particular since I can relate from local experience. I have never been to France so far unfortunately. So maybe it’s mainly just Germany.
Part of having an open mind is trying to consider your personal biases and where you lack knowledge and expertise. One of the reasons you are getting negative responses is that you stated a very broad generalization that simply isn’t true. Life is not black and white, it is grey and invincible against simple explanations.
Have you ever been to Germany?
I have, but that has nothing to do with my previous comment. My friend, your original post (that you have now edited, don’t move the goalposts just because you want to fight) made broad generalizations. My comment was an attempt to help you learn how to reflect and be critical about your beliefs: I thought that might be something a user with the name “open_mind” would appreciate. Fuck me, right? Well done on showing everyone what an open mind you have. Learn how to question yourself when you feel like fighting and spreading negativity. Just because others didn’t react the way you expected doesn’t make them wrong or bad, and being a dick to someone who was trying to have a constructive conversation is spreading negativity–what you were originally complaining about.
Gegenfrage: Warst du überall auf der Welt außerhalb Deutschland?
I’ve not been to Germany for a few years but the negativity (as well as the positivity) was mostly a personal thing as far as I can recall.
Maybe you’re trying too hard to find an external factor or some rule (be it age, location,…) where, at least I think so, it’s each person that will or will not make a difference? At, least if you’re trying to understand what you think is going on it’s a possibility worth considering. Obviously external factors do have an impact but we’re still individuals making our own decisions. Like I could decide to waste my time watching something negative on YT or here on Lemmy or instead I could pick that poetry book on my desk. Or even better go bring a cup of tea to my spouse who’s working in the next room.