This time around, when you land on a duplicate item, you’ll receive a ticket part. Collect four parts to craft a new ticket for another spin! You’ll also start off with a ticket to ensure everyone gets lucky this Valentine’s Day!
Reddit AMA on February 19th
Stun Gun rework for Update 5.10.0 [I think start of Season 6]
Less cash awarded for plugging the cashbox, more cash awarded for completing the cashout (20% / 80%)
New loading screens
You can now equip 8 emotes
Balance changes (⬆️=buff ;🔻=nerf ; )
Breach Charge ⬆️
Lock Bolt ⬆️
Charge N’ Slam🔻
Guardian Turret⬆️
Winch Claw🔻
Healing Beam [new sound for when the target is fully healed]
The wheel is back for a valentine themed event
Reddit AMA on February 19th
Stun Gun rework for Update 5.10.0 [I think start of Season 6]
Less cash awarded for plugging the cashbox, more cash awarded for completing the cashout (20% / 80%)
New loading screens
You can now equip 8 emotes
Balance changes (⬆️=buff ;🔻=nerf ; )
And various animation, cosmetics, gameplay fixes