Anyone else feel like the reason why humanity doesn’t bother to fix important issues for a long time is because the people simply don’t care enough to group up and fix them. I mean when I try to educate folks on complex problems they often seem like they don’t want to discuss it and quickly defend the status quo saying “that’s just how things are”

But we can’t keep ignoring these issues because then it could delay necessary progress for thousands of years.

  • Libb
    4 months ago

    I mean when I try to educate folks

    Maybe that’s one of the reasons they don’t listen? I’m really sorry if what follows sounds a bit agressive, it’s absolutely not what I wish, I just don’t know how to say it more formally in English.

    Sure, many people are very much not interested by anything that goes out of their usual ways but I would not be so certain it’s the main issue at play, here.

    I mean, why do you try to educate them? Are you their parents, or their teacher? Are you some kind of (moral/scientific) authority they (and we all) should listen to?

    Personally, as one of those ‘people’ you’re referring to, I tend to steer away from any person thinking they should educate others. Not that I refuse to educate myself and certainly not that I know all there is to know, far from it. It’s just that in my experience, way too often, all what those self-proclaimed teachers teach is how great/admirable their little person is and, incidentally, more often than not why we should then rush to buy their latest book, or their whatever it is they’re selling. Imho, there is little value in that kind of teaching and most people would be right to ignore it. I would even say that I wish more people would stop listening to those snake-oil vendors.

    Once again, I’m not saying, you’re such a person — how would I know, I don’t know you — just that it’s too frequent to not express some serious reserves when faced with it.

    As tor the reason why people refuse to listen? Beside what I just said, I think most people already have enough things to deal with in their day to day lives, a lot of real shitty things, to not be willing to spend their free time listening to some ‘teaching’.

    Instead, you may want to show by example, by doing things and not by speech? Let them be surprised or intrigued by your very own actions and then, maybe, let them start a conversation by asking you question. They should be much more receptive if they do the first step, and you may get more positive results. Hopefully.