Your worst still friendly friend
Congratulation !
Gladiateur 2, ça ne vaut pas le 1 mais c’était divertissant. Denzel Washington y est excellent.
Le mal n’existe pas
Drive my car
de Ryusuke Hamaguchi
The game is called Subpixel Snake and can technically played if you put all of your settings to maximum zoom and hold a magnifying glass up to your screen, but even then you would have a tough time of actually building a long snake or seeing anything that’s going on. You can check it out in action and learn more about subpixels in Patrick’s Video below, and you can also have a go at the game on his website. I’ve tried making this work on my Mac and I can’t get anywhere near close enough to see what’s going on, but if you do have a microscope handy or can put your Mac on the other end of the Hubble telescope, then you might stand a chance!
Typically the family, never good enough, never everything enough.
Je dirais cavalier B en F7 pour finir ? Sympa le puzzle
Reine B prend Fou N en F8 ?
Edit 10 000 years please, it would seem more coherent.
Interesting, still why did you choose the number 300 exactly ?
Au cours de l’échange qu’il a eu avec RFI, Saïf al-Islam Kadhafi revient également sur la partition qu’il affirme avoir personnellement jouée dans le financement libyen. « Sarkozy, dit-il, a reçu 2,5 millions de dollars de la Libye pour financer sa campagne électorale » lors de l’élection présidentielle de 2007, somme en contrepartie de laquelle, Nicolas Sarkozy devait « conclure des accords et réaliser des projets en faveur de la Libye ».
Une seconde somme de 2,5 millions de dollars, également en espèces, a selon lui été remise au clan Sarkozy. Saïf al-Islam Kadhafi ne précise pas quand mais affirme qu’en contrepartie les autorités libyennes attendaient de Nicolas Sarkozy qu’il mette un terme à l’affaire de l’attentat contre le DC10 d’UTA qui a fait 170 morts dont 54 français en 1989. Elles souhaitaient également que les noms de six Libyens impliqués dans cet attentat soient retirés de la notice d’Interpol, dont celui d’Abdallah Senoussi, le chef des services secrets libyens et beau-frère de Kadhafi.
Toujours selon Saïf al-Islam Kadhafi, cet argent a été placé ensuite sur un compte bancaire à Genève. Saïf al-Islam Kadhafi soutient donc à RFI que 5 millions de dollars en espèces ont été transmis à Nicolas Sarkozy.
Impossible ! Sarko n’est qu’un 🐏 émissaire, un innocent 😁
In the study, published Monday (Jan. 13) in the journal PNAS, researchers looked at more than 100 mummified human remains from the Chancay culture, which inhabited Peru from about A.D. 900 to 1533. “Only 3 of these individuals were found to have high-detailed tattoos made up of fine lines only 0.1 - 0.2 mm [0.004 to 0.008 inch] thick, which could only be seen with our new technique,” study co-author Michael Pittman, a paleobiologist at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, told Live Science in an email.
The technique involves laser-stimulated fluorescence (LSF), which produces images based on the fluorescence of a sample, thus revealing details that can be missed by simple ultraviolet (UV) light examination. LSF works by making the tattooed skin fluoresce bright white, which causes the carbon-based black tattoo ink to stand out clearly. This almost completely eliminates the issue of tattoos bleeding and fading over time, which can obscure the design, according to the study.
The three highly detailed tattoos the team revealed on the mummified remains were “predominantly geometric patterns featuring triangles, which are also found on other Chancay artistic media like pottery and textiles,” Pittman said, while other Chancay tattoos included vine-like and animal designs.
This doesn’t surprise me at all about this guy.
A Liberian rights activist tells RFI it was “painful” to see Johnson commemorated as a hero.
“It’s painful – the jubilation I’m seeing, the celebration I’m seeing, of a murderer, a war criminal,” human rights activist Maxson Kpakio told RFI.
Kpakio, founder of the Liberia Justice Forum, has been active in calling for a special war and economic crimes court for Liberia “so that those that bear the huge responsibility for the war can be punished”.
In May, Liberia’s President Joseph Boakai signed an order to create a war crimes court. But it’s clear to Kpakio that there is ongoing impunity for Liberia’s former military leaders.
“Seeing [Johnson] not being punished but being celebrated and remembered as a hero is painful to all those that lost family members, killed through his initiative or by himself.”
Kpakio regretted they could no longer ask Johnson: “Why did you do this to Liberia?”.
In an interview with RFI in 2009 he denied he had taken part in massacres during the civil wars.
But two years later, while running for president, the father of 12 justified his role in the war.
“I have done nothing criminal… I fought to defend my country, my people who were led to the slaughterhouse, as if they were chickens and goats, by the Doe regime,” Johnson told AFP news agency.
Extractivism is one of Africa’s greatest misfortunes
“This is part of the damage of sanctions, that you are forced to receive (purchases) through multiple dealers instead of buying from a factory directly,” Zarif said. “If the Zionist regime can infiltrate one of the dealers, then it can do anything and install anything.”
He added: “For instance, our friends at the Atomic Energy Organization (of Iran) had purchased a platform for centrifuges in which (the Israelis) had installed explosive material.”
Zarif did not elaborate, and the interviewer did not press him on the issue.
However, it marked the first clear acknowledgment of the degree Mossad had infiltrated Iran’s program.
Iran’s nuclear program previously attacked
In July 2020, a mysterious explosion tore apart Natanz’s advanced centrifuge assembly, which Iran blamed on Israel. In April 2021, another blast tore apart one of its underground enrichment halls.
A few months later, Israel’s outgoing Mossad chief Yossi Cohen gave an interview to Israeli television in which he all but acknowledged his spies executed the two attacks. The show said a saboteur “made sure to supply to the Iranians the marble foundation on which the centrifuges are placed” that included “an enormous amount of explosives.”
At this time I wonder how many products and other services that have passed through their hands are full of explosives and are circulating around the world. This subject should be taken seriously by the international community
Merci, vraiment cool !