• 57 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The perplexing part of this for me is charging laptops. Inverters are wildly inefficient but I’m not sure of a way to sufficiently charge (or power) a laptop without one. What are some solutions here?

    What you want is called a downconverter. It will accept a wide range of inputs e.g. 22-40V and will output the voltage you need. Example. I am powering a small computer from a 48V e-bike battery with one of those. (Well not that one exactly as they do not accept up to 48V, but the same type of thing)

    Check on your laptop power supply what output voltage it has. 19V is common but there are 12V ones as well. You will need to solder a fitting connector. Some can be bought, but more often than not, they cost the same as a second hand supply.

  • I don’t see how being critical and optimistic about tech is mutually exclusive. And tech is solving some of our issues and will solve more in the future. Not all of them, but to me being tech-positive and understanding technologies can be sustainable is at the core of solarpunk.

    About longtermism, ok, I did had that definition of the term. But to me solarpunk is not about being delusional about the climate crisis but still being optimistic about the horizon past it.

  • This map was made by French so it may have a bias there. But I know there is a very active lowtech community here in France. As a techno-utopian I spent a long time ignoring them until someone told me that the raspberry pi is lowtech and that I am doing lowtech robotics (wth?) . Here it basically seems to be a synonym for open hardware, with an emphasis on community rather than projects. It is actually pretty chill.

  • Wow! Oui j’y ai passé un certain nombre d’heures, avec mon père aussi!

    On avait une théorie sur la ligne Maginot qui ne semblait pas mener bien loin mais qui était intéressante pendant un moment.

    La grosse question pour tous les chouetteurs maintenant c’est: Dabo or not Dabo?

    Pour les non-initiés: Il y a un certain nombre d’énigmes qui ont été résolues d’une façon relativement certaine, en tous cas unanime. Dabo est le point de divergence. Une énigme semble assez clairement lui faire référence, et c’est le point où l’échelle de la chasse semble changer un peu, du coup la chouette serait dans les environs. Mais certains pensent que c’est une fausse piste. À une époque l’activité estivale des chouetteurs était d’aller camper à Dabo avec une boussole et une pelle.

    Les forums sont (étaient) partagés entre daboiste ou non. Du coup c’est la question qui m’intéresse le plus!