I mean, we’re talking about a guy who managed to run multiple casinos – businesses which consist mostly of taking money from people and giving less of it back – into the ground. He’s a complete moron.
I mean, we’re talking about a guy who managed to run multiple casinos – businesses which consist mostly of taking money from people and giving less of it back – into the ground. He’s a complete moron.
On one hand, kids are great. They can come with a ton of joy and rewarding experiences. However, they are also exhausting, expensive, and will sometimes push you to the point where you’ll seriously wonder if you made a huge mistake.
I have three kids and I love them very much. I wouldn’t want to be without any of them but I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to have any. Being a parent is incredibly hard work.
“Dad, you better quit taking those blood pressure meds. You might become dependent on them.”
Look at me. I’m a human. I pay taxes, I have depression.
Ha! So relatable.
I’m behind on chores.
Ok, why did you have to bring that up? I said I would get to it. Stop reminding me already!
Day 7300:
“Foiled yet another one of Van Pelt’s attempts to kill me yesterday. As much as he sucks at hunting, he’s incredibly dedicated. It’s kind of sad, really. Like watching Wile E. Coyote try to catch the road runner over and over. Each attempt a little more pathetic than the last. Sometimes I think I should just let him do it. End it all. He gets a win. I get to escape this God awful nightmare; theoretically. But on the other hand, maybe he needs this. Maybe the chase is what keeps him going. Maybe deep inside that cold, sociopathic murderer there’s a dude just looking for a purpose. I mean, it’s not like he’s ever going to get out of here.”
CB radios are still widely used by truck drivers. Listening to the CB on long trips can sometimes be very entertaining.
Even if your BIL lives a long way away, you can always call him for advice. I’m pretty good with doing most of my own electrical work but if I have a question I just call my dad since he’s a retired master electrician. He can usually tell me what I need to know without even looking at the job.
Exactly. AI chatbot’s also cannot empathize since they have no self awareness.
Nazi salute? What are you talking about!? That’s just Elon showing the love. He’s even doing it with his left hand. /s
Seriously, it was just pure laziness. It was late. I was having a hard time getting the image to crop and fit correctly. My low effort meme was becoming a little too much effort. I flipped it. It fit. I decided that was good enough.
That is one bullshit headline. Forbes keeping the AI pump and dump scheme going.
TLDR: People correctly discerned that written responses were from an “AI” chatbot slightly less often than they correctly discerned that responses were from a psychotherapist.
“AI” cannot replace a therapist and hasn’t “won” squat.
VPN’s can further limit your bandwidth. Encryption and decryption require a lot of processing overhead. Something to be mindful of if you’re self hosting a VPN. I think my Mikrotik (dual core ARM) maxes out around 250 Mbps.
“I’m sorry, did you just say you wanted me to run for President? Fuck. That.” – William Tecumseh Sherman
Oof. That hits in the feels a little. I’ve told my wife that I hope she outlives me. Maybe it’s a little selfish in a way but I honestly think she could handle being alone better than I could. She’s like my center of gravity. The person who keeps me grounded. I’m not sure what I would do without her.
Hell, even the police state won’t want to use Oracle.
I’ve had it with this stuff,” Dimon said during the town hall, according to Barron’s. “I’ve been working seven days a goddamn week since COVID, and I come in, and—where is everybody else?
Let me make sure I understand this. You’re the chief executive of the world’s largest bank. You have vast resources and an army of other executives at your disposal. What exactly is so urgent that you have to work 7 days a week and why is that anyone else’s problem?
Wall Street treats Jamie Dimon like he’s some sort of guru but it sounds to me like he’s an fucking idiot whiney baby who doesn’t manage his time wisely or recognize that he got to where he is on the backs of his employees.
“How did he die?”
“Believe it or not, every single preventable illness you can imagine. It’s the damnedest thing.”
Hope the rest of Europe is preparing for WWIII because there’s no way Russia actually backs down without a decisive loss. On the upside, I think any direct military action by the US would be hugely unpopular domestically. Even with the brainwashed fucktards. That doesn’t mean we’re not going to make a huge mess indirectly. I am very sorry in advance.
For me it’s not fear. It’s having to power up my “extrovert persona”. I’m happy to do it. I enjoy talking to people but it’s also exhausting.
If that were to happen, I hope we continue our 50+ year tradition of losing wars.
No. Junior Devs usually can’t code. Anyone who lacks experience in a given field usually is not proficient in that field. That’s not specific to software engineering.
The fix for this is pretty simple. It’s just one that not every senior dev is going to want to hear. You have to do the one thing that a lot of us don’t want to do: talk to people. You’ll find that if you make an effort to build rapport with the juniors and be at least as quick to point out their successes as you are to point out their failures, more often than not they will learn to trust you and come to you for guidance.