Such a cool cheesy game
Such a cool cheesy game
I can hear the sax now
Yup goes for controls too! I remember PS1/PS2 games having WILDLY different control schemes even between games in a series. COD pretty much standardized shooter controls to the point that playing any shooter that broke that mold was a real struggle at first
Bare minimim add some punctuation if you are really going to stick with one word replies
“Good!” comes off happy or excited “Good?” is confused and unsure “Good.” is more serious than no punctuation
Look I’m not fantastic at conversations but adding just a little something is key to keep the ball rolling. It gives them something to go off of.
“No I didn’t do much, you?”
“I went to the mall”
“See anything cool?”
“That new movie is finally out we should see it later!”
tldw Everyone assumes the US made a secret illegal armed space ship (they did) so almost every other country did too. The US was offended that anyone but them broke the rules but they all had to fight the moon nazis together so no big deal
The inflation reduction act was in 2022, everything but amazon was built and operational prior but I get what you mean. I should have phrased it better.
Yes the federal govt likely had some role in getting favorable conditons for factories to be built. For people living there the following years (and years) of company cash flow caused a lot of the actual second and third order effects, not federal programs aimed at the region specifically. That is what I mean by “the fed govt had little to do with it (from the residents’ pov)”
I guess it’s storytime! The rural area I grew up in was full of unionized industry jobs that shut down in the 80s, and then the auto industry followed in the 2000s. Many moved and for those that stayed life had sucked for a long while.
But the local mall stayed relevant (there’s not a whole lot else to do) and is now being filled with all kinds of new restauraunts and stores where old dead ones were. This was to meet demand since electric vehicle factories were built as well as amazon warehouses and other stuff. Then the taxes led to libraries and schools being built and upgraded.
Now it’s not all sunshine and rainbows of course but for the people there the world seemed cold and uncaring for decades. Now in their eyes it’s starting to come back and the federal government had little to do with it. I guess what I’m saying is that it’s all pretty subjective
It gets said over and over but the country is huge and your experience can vary greatly. If you are a govt employee work is likely more chaotic, some more than others. Telework people coming back to the office, looming layoffs, people resigning/staying, big organizational shifts etc.
If you know a person deported of who may be deported you are probably very concerned for them and the world feels turned upside down.
But for most people the gas prices are about the same, groceries are about the same and their life is about the same. If it wasn’t for the news/internet most people probably couldn’t tell the difference between administrations so far. It takes a big event you can’t easily ignore (Covid 19, Hurricane Helene, LA fires) for even ONE REGION of the country to focus on a problem for a while.
And even then if you are outside of that area people probably won’t change their routine beyond posting about it.
Had snow on the ground all Jan, now it’s freezing rain which is fairly rare for us. Supposed to get another round of it over the next few days
I know right? Hopefully it improves with time
wtf is up with the wrong sided door closer lol
We, like, live in a society man
Watermelon Meow Meow!
I wonder if the Rainbow Six book and games got the title from those plans
Just keeping tabs on who is doing what in govt makes you way more informed for elections. Speaking out for things you want to see/change can sway how things turn out.
Federal govt gets all the focus (especially lately) but for a lot of things state and local govt is where it’s at. For example marijuana is STILL illegal on a federal level but more and more states are fine with it. Gun laws seem to have had a lot of change on a state level too.
For my area local (city/township) govt runs fire, ems, small business initiatives, zoning and events. County govt runs minor road maintenance, emergency management, hazmat/drone stuff etc.
And state govt does a ton of major road work, big picture planning and lawmaking and will sometimes tell the federal govt to pound sand.
Not complete darkness. I got a nice warm led night light (these ones, love em) just bright enough that I can see what I’m doing. But yeah going spa mode after a long cold day is very nice
It’s been working fine for me. I use the app Boost
You think him not being mentioned is a coincidence? I think it’s mainstream media doing damage control to reel in their prior reporting. Since he was at large for a while his face and later his name was EVERYWHERE. In cases of mass shootings the shooter is almost never mentioned or named anymore. There’s a reason for that
Media plays a big part in encouraging copycats looking for their weeks of infamy. In the past it used to be serial killers, then years ago it was mass shootings, and thanks to the instant stardom they gave Luigi the near future could very well be more assassinations.
Right or wrong his success was demonstrating that being rich doesn’t mean someone is untouchable.
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