• teft
    93 months ago

    Why was it ok to swim and row in the filthy waters in brazil 2016 but not the filthy waters in france 2024?

  • PhobosAnomaly
    83 months ago

    It’s a disgrace really. Waterways older than the cities that sat below where the cities are today, polluted to fuck by a mix of general disregard for the environment, and shitty (literally) utility policies.

    The Oxford Cambridge boat race had a similar ending this year - where competitors fell ill afterwards, and never even did the celebratory self-yeet into the river after the race because of the number of jobbies in the water.

    That is however a very British view, and Thames Water have some less-than-minor problems of their own.

    • Flying SquidM
      133 months ago

      The Seine and the Thames have been super polluted since Roman times. If anything, they are less polluted now that there’s less direct sewage, discarded animal carcasses and corpses in them.

      It was so bad in the 19th century in London that this happened-


      I’m not saying this is adequate, because it isn’t, I’m just saying it’s better than it used to be.

  • Aniki 🌱🌿
    53 months ago

    As a triathlete it really has become an area of concern for any fresh water competition. If I am racing every other weekend, I don’t have the time nor inclination to track down water reports for the body of water I am about to swim in. Ocean reports are very easy to find but I don’t have a clue where to go to look for fresh water river stream and lake testing.