Useless window animations for fancy purpose? You got my upvote
That’s fire
Bottom screenshot good example of why twm is not useful in this usecase. Also due to exaggerated use of gaps you are wasting screenspace, which is the opposite of what a twm actually is trying to do.
Vesktop seems interesting, going to check it out, thanks for mentioning.
Wayfire is actually not a twm (although it can tile). I just arranged the windows that way for the screenshots. :)
ooh I am sorry then. ^^;
that’s cool! good rice.
Can someone explain what an IRC client is? Nice rice, I cant use a pc without gruvbox.
There’s also btop with gpu support?
An IRC client is just a chat app using the IRC protocol. As for btop with GPU, you’ll need to use a version compiled with GPU support enabled. If you’re using Arch, you can install the btop-gpu-git package.