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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/Phastor on 2025-03-10 05:57:00+00:00.
I run the HomeAssistant Docker container on my unRAID server. I’m starting to replace the 4TB disks in the server with 16TB disks. I just replaced the parity disk over the weekend. I did the rebuild under maintenance mode. This way no changes to any of the other disks would happen during the rebuild. So if any of the other disks were to fail, I could put the old parity back in and it would still be valid to rebuild the failed disk. But this also meant that no docker containers could run for the duration.
You don’t realize how reliant you’ve become on your automations until they are gone. I’ve been using HomeAssistant for about three years and never realized how often I actually use something it provides, no matter how small.
The server hosts a bunch of my other services too, like Plex, photo management, etc. But the thing I missed most was HomeAsstant.
I have to do this again next weekend to replace a data disk, but I have a plan going forward after that that won’t involve keeping the server down during a replacement rebuild. The place feels oddly lonely otherwise…