Meloni heads Italy’s most rightwing government since the second world war. Italy’s criminal code punishes with a fine ranging from €1,000 to €5,000 anyone who “publicly defames the republic”, which includes the government, parliament, the courts and the army.

    81 year ago

    If left-wing authoritarianism isn’t an oxymoron, then what the heck does left-wing mean?

    I agree that authoritarianism does not equal fascism, but the only meaningful definition of left-right politics (in my opinion) is a measure of belief in and adherence to social hierarchies. And the USSR was definitely heavily into hierarchy.

      21 year ago

      Yeah, that’s where the left-right concept kinda breaks down.

      It feels wrong to say the USSR wasn’t left when you consider the many left policies they had and of course their origin.

      I also agree with your idea of what left-wing should mean. I guess there’s no way to avoid complexity with topics like this.