The materials used in these workshops can be downloaded here

    1 year ago

    My “tone” is this way, because I’ve become fed up with bullshit like this.

    These people lie to themselves. That’s understandable to a certain degree, it’s a ways to cope with the lack of power a normal person has to change obvious problems, but we shouldn’t encourage that.

    At the end, these exact people (and their friends) will take part in one of those events, pat themselves on the shoulder, and vote for a coal/oil candidate next time.

    Just think about, what is happening here: A news outlet, that has New York in its name and is presumably addressed mainly to an American audience, tells us how cool that one event in Paris is. How exactly am I supposed to get their, if I’m from the US (which I’m not, for the record). And if you read just the headline, it’s not framed as “looked what Parisians are doing”, it’s “you should do that, if you’re in Paris”.

    I’m fed up. And yes, maybe I sound a bit aggressive, but that’s only because the only other outlet for me would be to hurt certain people or burn some cars.

      1 year ago

      Then hurt some people and burn their cars 🤷‍♂️

      Btw the post is also linked to materials you can use yourself to do the same in your local circle

      I’m tired of American centric news too, but this was not the case